MGMS Lapidary School
176 Tazan Avenue, Florence, Mississippi
The MGMS Lapidary School is located just a few miles south of the capitol city of Jackson. Although the address is Florence, it is located in a residential area just south of Richland.
It doesn’t matter if you are traveling Highway 49 from the north or the south – look for the Texaco Station in south Richland across from the Tractor Supply Store, and turn west onto Cleary Road.
Directions from Cleary Road:
Turn west at the Texaco Station onto Cleary Road.
Go .4 miles to the street past the cemetery (Marie Drive) and turn left.
Turn right at the next street (Tazan Avenue).
Travel .4 miles to the School located on the right side of the road. This is the only industrial type building on this street.
If you’re coming from the north:
* I-20 Eastbound – take Exit 47A for Highway 49 South
* I-20 westbound – take Exit 47 for Highway 49 South
On 49 South: Travel through Richland, through the intersection of Scarborough Street (with McDonald’s on the left and Walgreens on the right). The next signal light (.5 miles) will mark Cleary Road (Texaco Station on the right).
See “Directions from Cleary Road” above to finish your trip.
If you’re coming from the south:
Stay on Highway 49 through the signal light in Florence. You will drive 4 miles to the next signal light (near Richland) with the Texaco Station landmark on your left and the Tractor Supply Store on your right.
See “Directions from Cleary Road” above to finish your trip.
MGMS Lapidary School
176 Tazan Avenue, Florence, Mississippi 39073